Thursday 17 November 2016


That the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is constant (namely, pi) has been recognized for as long as we have written records.
A ratio of 3:1 appears in the following biblical verse:
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. (I Kings 7, 23; II Chronicles 4, 2.)
The ancient Babylonians generally calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times the square of its radius (π=3), but one Old Babylonian tablet (from ca. 1900-1680 BCE) indicates a value of 3.125 for pi.
Ancient Egyptians calculated the area of a circle by the following formula (where d is the diameter of the circle):
[(8d)/9]power 2
This yields an approximate value of 3.1605 for pi.

The first theoretical calculation of a value of pi was that of Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BCE), one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the ancient world. Archimedes worked out that 223/71 < π < 22/7. Archimedes's results rested upon approximating the area of a circle based on the area of a regular polygon inscribed within the circle and the area of a regular polygon within which the circle was circumscribed.

Beginning with a hexagon, he worked all the way up to a ploygon with 96 sides!

More pi history:
European mathematicians in the early modern period developed new arithmetical formulae to approximate the value of pi, such as that of James Gregory (1638-1675), which was taken up by Leibniz:

π/4= 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + . . . . . . . . . . .

One problem with using this formula to calculate the value of pi is that you would have to add 5 million terms to work out a value of pi/4 that extends to 6 or 7 decimal places!

In 1706, another mathematician named John Machin developed a refinement on Gregory's formula, yielding the formula still used today by computer programmers to compute pi:

Using this formula, an Englishman named William Shanks calculated pi to 707 places, a labor of many years, which he published in 1873. (Only 527 places were correct, however!)

A novel way to compute pi:
An eighteenth-century French mathematician named Georges Buffon devised a way to calculate pi based on probability. Buffon's method begins with a uniform grid of parallel lines, a unit distance apart. If you drop a needle of length k < 1 on the grid, theprobability that the needle falls across a line is 2k/𝛑. Various people have tried to calculate pi by throwing needles. Depending on when you stop the experiment, you can obtain a reasonably accurate estimate of pi.

The symbol for pi:
was introduced by the British mathematician William Jones in 1706, who wrote:
3.14159 =𝛑
This symbol was adopted by Euler in 1737 and became the standard symbol for pi.

Having fun with pi:
Some people are just crazy about pi!
There are pi poems . . .
There are pieces of music based on the digits of pi . . .
There is a web site where you can find your birthday in pi . . .
There are people who have memorized 1000+ digits of pi . . .
In 1897 the Indiana Legislature tried to legally establish the value of pi . . .
Pi has earned a spot in "The Useless Pages" . . .

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